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Method Inputs

Here we present a complete catalogue of the input data available to methods. We start with a list of values, given in alphabetical order, and then have a table indicating which of the values each type of method can use.

Most of the descriptions of these values make sense only within the domains of methods that need them. Many, for example, refer to the "current field" which is relevant only to methods called from executable DecoderScript statements.

Some of these values are bit or byte offsets of various things (such as the current field). Except where otherwise stated, such offsets are always offsets within the current protocol layer.

Note that most of these items are declared "const". Methods are prohibited from having side effects, including writing to files; in particular they are not permitted to change anything except designated output variables. As a result, in the context of a method, most of these values are readable but not writable. The only exceptions are i64FieldValue and iFieldSize, which serve as both inputs and outputs to Retrieval Methods.